Passionate about
about Hospitality and Technology.
TellTheHotel was born from the idea of some professionals and friends, who intend to get together to take advantage of their diversified set of experiences and skills.
Who we are
- Established in 2019
- Present in Italy, Switzerland and France.
- Experience in the world of hospitality
- Digitally Skilled
Our philosophy
“The TellThehotel team blends the recognized expertise of digital hotel marketing professionals with the twenty-year experience of one of the best software houses in Switzerland”.
Aldo Polledro – CEO of Tell The Hotel.
Having a team of consultants with decades of experience who are still active on the market, we are in close contact with the digital marketing industryfor hotels and its most recent developments.
IIn this way, we are able to identify the needs of our customers in a timely manner, adapting the development requirements accordingly.
The technical requirements are then translated into concrete functionalities through a recursive Agile (SCRUM) approach, capable of releasing advancements approximately every 2 weeks.
Our values
Customer Care
In our vision, our customers are partners who help us redefine the concept of conversational marketing applied to hospitality for the 21st century.
Research & Development
We collaborate with research institutes and universities to constantly bring our product to the frontier of technology.
Extended Network
We deal exclusively with conversational marketing applied to hospitality. We are therefore more than interested in extending our network to other players in the tech hotel and digital marketing for hospitality.